Confession (Latin confessio; sacrament of penance) is a confession of sins before an ordained church official, such as in the Roman Catholic Church before a priest.
The word absolution (lat. absolvere "detach", "acquit") stands for absolving and means the forgiveness of a sin after confession.
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Confession (Latin confessio; sacrament of penance) is a confession of sins by the believer before an ordained ecclesiastical official, such as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.
The term absolution (lat. absolvere "detach", "acquit") stands for absolving and means the forgiveness of a sin after confession.
In the Catholic Church (Vatican), absolution in individual confession is the sacramental absolving of sins by a priest who speaks the absolution formula: "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". The priest lays his hand on the penitent or extends his hand in blessing.
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church, absolution forms the conclusion and climax of confession.
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