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Debaptism - Free Instant Online Debaptism with Free Certificate

Debaptism — Free Instant Online De-Baptism with Certificate

Since the cases of abuse in the Catholic Church and other churches became known, many have wished for their baptism to be reversed. That's why we now offer you the free debaptism service here. This cancels any promises made to any gods. Welcome to freedom. Welcome to our free Online Debaptism.


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Most religions and churches claim that their baptism is one-time and cannot be reversed. This is of course nonsensical.

But some other organizations and individuals are practicing debaptism.

The background is clear, once someone gets caught, the soul (person) is said to be lost to every other church and religion. Which of course contradicts common sense. Anyone can change their religion and every baptism can also be reversed, even if these sects claim the opposite.

A man sued the French Catholic Church in France over its refusal to let him cancel his baptism. He was not baptized in 2000, but he asked to be taken off the baptismal list ten years later. The church appealed a judge's decision in Normandy.

Violation of data protection regulations. The Catholic Church keeps coming up with absurd excuses that baptism is a register or database... No entry could be deleted from a register. But why not? If they were entered by people, they can also be deleted again by people. Failure to delete it would be a violation of data protection regulations.

Some atheist organizations offer certificates of "debaptism". But the Church of England and Roman Catholic Church won't accept the certificate.

Between 2010 and 2016, 12,442 people left the Catholic Church in the Dutch-speaking Flemish region of Belgium.

Some atheist groups have done funny "debaptism" ceremonies using a hair dryer. They don't mean to be serious.

Online Baptism

Here you found our Free Instant Online Baptism with Certificate.

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