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Church, Kirche, Prixton, University, Prixton Church, Prixton University, Prixton Church University

Prixton Church Uganda & Kenya

Pastor Daniel Wanyoni's Help Project in Uganda & Kenya


The situation of most, KENYANS and UGANDA remains very critical due to the socio-economic, cultural, traditional and development circumstances, natural disasters, armed conflicts, exploitation and hunger. Population of children in Kenya and Uganda is rising at an alarming rate with no or very little corresponding increase in socio-economic and education facilities. Most children in Kenya and Uganda are beaten or sexually abused by parents, ravaged beyond their years by hard living conditions. Drug abuse, life on the street, war, and being stricken with AIDS are common struggles against diseases and poverty. It is in pursuit of human and universal responsibility that our Vision to Establish the above mentioned School is now hereby highlighting the plight of the Kenyans and Ugandans living in hard conditions within the slums. Rural areas are also hereby seeking help, donations, aid and grants from the well-wishers, organizations and various charities in the world in order to enable us implement/establish a day care and rehabilitation center for girl children, orphans and street children here in KENYA. The center will benefit mainly the orphans, girl children and street children, whereas widows will be taken care of right from their homes. The center will offer an opportunity that will enable the beneficiaries to acquire quality free and life skills that they need in order to afford them a quality life and emancipate themselves from poverty, diseases, ignorance, dependency and war within the families.


KENYA LEADERS with project minds are doing a very excellent work by creating awareness of the HIV/AIDS, though they are unable to sufficiently meet the needs of those affected as they only have few ill ... equipped staff rooms in the heart of the the City Slums. Therefore they are calling for donors immediate intervention. This is a situation that calls for an immediate intervention both within and outside the Cities of Kenya due to great need here in Kenyan. This project was founded specifically to help the needy children who lack basic necessities within the slums and Villages, particularly education, shelter, and food. For this young men have volunteered to offer free education and also to support the Orphans, street children and the needy children across the entire country. We have established a carpentry workshop,and a tailoring place in Kamasielo that is at a small rate helping us to train youths above 18 years to acquire skills which may help them in their lives beyond the center.The impact of the statistics taken on education within the slums is quiet devastating, and has adversely affected the education of thousands of children who have lost their parents and guardians due to the HIV AIDS menace. When their parents die, families disintegrate and meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, and education become extremely hard. Hence if one is not infected he/she is affected.



The above center is to be situated/established officially in Kamasielo in Bungoma District.These are areas of street urchins, drug addicts, unemployed people, young and old alike and prostitutes- { survival for the fittest }. The few that are employed are office messengers, watchmen and others who work as casuals in the hotels and businesses. These include selling vegetables, charcoal, second hand clothes and running of small food kiosks in order to make ends meet. Youths and aged men brew illicit brews which are illegal and punishable by the courts, and one stands a chance of serving in jail if caught. This is an area which lacks basic facilities e.g. toilets, clean water, drainage and sewerage system and other social problems. Residents live below the poverty line and hardly earn a dollar a day, and even can't afford a square meal a day. There is child exploitation as most of them are employed as house helps in affluent estates so as to enable their families survive. Housing remains a big problem in the Kenyan slums as majority of residents live in tiny thatch houses { round mud houses } locally known as Echikoni, with house occupancy of six to eight people per house. Birth rate among the locals is still very high as most of their men highly value, and still practice, polygamous types of family set ups. Their women are still ignorant of various natural family planning practices. Most illiterate women and girls live in abject poverty and are targets of social vices such as prostitution, drug abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. On average, the majority live in a vicious circle of poverty as they cannot invest and even support the education of their children. Through this project, the community will be encouraged to support the education of the less fortunate, orphans and street children, in order to break the vicious circle of poverty. It is upon this background that this Orphan school/rehabilitation centre is now looking for the way forward for this project to be implemented in the heart of Kimilili,Kamasielo. Market as soon as we shall get donor funding. We will be able to erect some new buildings too, to cater for the children, workshop, and the school as well.


The project plans to mobilize the community to find out how the children can go to school, feed, and articulate the rights of the children at the grassroots level. Other immediate problems are as follows;
1. Education.
2. Rehabilitation of the street children..
3. Computer services both in town and the rural areas.
4. Widows and Orphans to be taken care of.
5. church ministry.


The community, through the Vision of Mzee Moses wanyonyi and wife Beatrice started a support project for the orphans- help informal school {humanity centre} which opened its doors on 1st August 2006 with 10 Orphan Children.


As we recognize that the child occupies a unique and privileged position in the African society and that for the full harmonious development of their personality, the child should grow up in a family environment in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. For a childrens physical and mental development, they require care in regard to physical, mental, moral and social development. Despite efforts to improve lives of children, social indicators continue to show decline in social and economic welfare of children as a result of poverty, conflict, HIV/AIDS, and war. The extended family network that traditionally used to support orphans has collapsed due to urbanization, poverty and other socio - economic factors. HIV/AIDS affects the society at all levels and compels orphans to live under despicable, sub-human conditions where some take care of their young ones. Girls resort to child - prostitution and becoming house maids while boys resort to living in the streets after dropping out of school. After losing their parents, the orphans lack people they can trust and relate to. Thus they suffer social stigma together with those who can tell the right values. The project will provide relief services and training through self -sustaining grants that will effectively enforce a self - help principle. Women will also be mobilized towards poverty alleviation to improve the socio-economic status of families. Because of gender parity,  girls are sacrificed in favor of boys, and as such enrollment has been realized higher for boys than girls at primary and higher levels. In most parts of the Country, the enrollment is still below 50%.


A. To provide basic needs including food, clothing, shelter and education for the people within the slums and Rural areas both primary and to train them on the wood work as well within the workshop.
B. To establish a support fund for the displaced street children and HIV/AIDS orphans in the slums and Rural areas.
C. To advocate for the social and economic right of the girl children and rehabilitate street children.
D. To provide funds for 100 women to start micro enterprises in the slums and Rural areas.


1. To establish day care center for the project in slums and rural areas.
2. To solicit for funds to support the members contribution in providing the basic needs to the children.
3. To engage in awareness lobbying and advocacy program for the advancement of the right of the child.
4. To provide starter funds to community women in the slums and rural areas; to start micro - enterprises.


1. Improve our orphan support project and day care feeding centre be established in the slums and rural areas.
2. Boarding facilities for orphans in Bungoma.
3. At least 100 women will benefit from the grant/revolving funds in the slums and rural areas.
4. Improve nutrition and computer knowledge.
5. Establishment of micro-enterprises.


Humanity Centre educational program  is a going concern in Kenya and Uganda and with a vision to start its implementation in Bungoma kimilili area as soon as we realize the grants, but it will be subjected to yearly evaluation to establish its viability.



The main strategy is to enhance project sustainability through material, moral, and community voluntary support.


The micro-enterprises shall raise income to individual parents for the support of their families and the whole project.


The Centre comprises of a youth group and very well trained management staff that is currently managing the project very effectively. The running of the project will require recruitment of suitable and qualified project officer who shall act as community mobilizer in the slums and rural areas once we realize the donor funding.


The Centre will provide quarterly reports and expenditure returns with various partners in the project implementation in the slums and Rural areas. The project advisor will do this.


A continuous process of monitoring and evaluation of the project in the Kenyan Slums shall be carried out once we get the donor funding. Monitoring and evaluation of specific components of the project in Kenyan Slums shall be the responsibility of the project officer. The intended project will entail comments from the beneficiaries and the community, quarterly reports and review meetings. A consultant with expertise on development issues will be hired to determine the success, advancement and achievement of the intended objectives.

If you require further information:


Director/Coordinator of this project Pastor Daniel wanyonyi.

E-Mail: j.withus (at)

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