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Free Doctorate Degree, Free Doctorate Degree (Theology), Doktortitel kostenlos

Free Honorary Doctorate Degree (Doctor of Theology)

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Use our free Doctor Degree Generator to get your free Doctor Degree, Doctorate Degree and Doctoral Degree. All Doctor Degrees are from Prixton Church and University (USA).

All doctoral degrees (Doctoral Degree) are not academic degrees, but ecclesiastical honorary degrees, awarded by a US church or private church university.

Get your Free Doctorate Degree Doctor of Theology

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A note on our own behalf:
This page was supposed to offer the free church title "Doctor of Theology" as it is offered (and sold) by several other US churches. But despite intensive research and many questions, we received a different opinion at every point as to whether it is legal for a US church to be able to offer the Doctorate in Theology. That's why we decided to only offer the Doctor of Sacred Theology instead of the Doctor of Theology. Thank you for your attention.

A Doctor of Humanity or Doctor of Divinity should not be confused with a Doctor of Theology (ThD), the holder of a research doctorate in theology awarded by universities and divinity schools, such as Prixton Church University, Duke Divinity School and others.

Many universities give a PhD rather than a ThD to graduates of higher-level religious studies programs. A Doctor of Sacred Theology (STD) holds another research doctorate.

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You reveice a legal doctorate degree diploma with a beautiful design, very suitable for framing. We have been compliment by atorneys and medical doctors who says our diploma look beter than their Juris Doctor or Medical School diplomas!

Honorary Doctorate Degree Doctor of Theology

A Doctor of Theology is a religious degree. The ThD is a higher degree in research like the Doctor of Philosophy.

Honorary Doctorate Degree Doctor of Diviniy

Doctor of Divinity Honorary Doctorate Degree Doctor of Divinity.

United States

A Decision from 1974 said that an honorary doctor of divinity is a religious title with no academic status. Churches and religious groups may issue such titles, such as Universal Life Church. But according to the California Education Code, you don't have to go to school ("an institution owned, controlled, and operated and maintained by a religious organization lawfully operating as a nonprofit religious corporation pursuant to Part 4 (commencing with Section 9110) of Division 2 of Title 1 of the Corporations Code" that offers "instruction... limited to the principles of that religious organization, or to courses offered pursuant to Section 2789 of Business and Professions Code" may confer "degrees and diplomas only in the beliefs and practices of the church, religious denomination, or religious organization" so long as "the diploma or degree is limited to evidence of completion of that education"; institutions "shall not award degrees in any area of physical science", A degree or diploma granted under this subdivision must have a reference to theological or religious aspect of the degree's subject area..

Kirby J. Hensley, the Founder of the Universal Life Church said 1976 in a interview with Morley Safer of the TV newsmagazine 60 Minutes, that the church's honorary doctor of divinity degree was just a piece of paper. And it doesn't matter under God's beautiful green Earth, right? Value for money. In 2006, a minister from Universal Life Church said that people who have gotten a degree should not use it as proof of their education. Instead, they should put their credentials under the title "Titles, Awards, or Other Achievements" on their resume.

As of 2009, religious institutions can give religious degrees without accreditation or government oversight.

Honorary Doctorate Degree, honoris causa

An honorary degree is a degree that a university has waived all the usual requirements for. It's also called honoris causa or ad honourem in Latin.

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